Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mothers Day/26 weeks down 14 more to go!

Happy belated mothers day to all the mommies out there. It's been a bit of a rough few days, but things will start looking up soon. Kadyn is having big issues with his allergies and may possibly have a bit of a cold too. Friday he was having staring seizures (Absent Seizures/Silent Seizures), for children with known seizure disorders they don't call unless it gets out of hand. Kadyn was only having them for seconds at a time and only had 2 so they just sent a note home with him informing me he had these. Saturday came and went and he was fine, playful and happy but I noticed the congestion. Sunday was good too until about 1130pm then Kadyn had a grand mal seizure. (Boo) I got Harvey to come up stairs to help me out a bit and got Kadyn out of the seizure, called him off school and called the bus garage to let them know that he does not need to be picked up. He acted fine Monday, like nothing ever happened. Playful, Happy, talkative ect. Although he did not want to eat his yogurt, and hardly drank anything from his bottle, so it was Poweraid for him, that way when he did drink, he at least got fluids. He woke up this morning fine so I decided to send him to school. Around noon I got a phone call stating that he just was not feeling good and I decided to go get him. His eyes were watery, clear boogers coming from his nose, I knew it was allergies. Curse you seasonal allergies. I've decided to keep him out for the week just in case though. There are other medically fragile children there and if this is more than allergies (which I highly doubt) than it's best to not expose them to it.
Kadyn napped in school then napped when he got home. Tired boy. Hoping he will feel better in a couple days.

Saturday began my 26th week. 14 more to go! I went today to get my formal ultrasound. Thanks to Kadyn I get them every 4 weeks just to be sure everything stays ok. Kyle is head down and looking awesome. He is 1lb 14ounces and the ultrasound tech doesn't expect him to be any bigger than 6lbs by the time he is born! He is going to be small, but I was small when I was born too. Kadyn would of been small but he also had a couple lbs of fluid on his little brain. I've only gained maybe 5lbs this whole pregnancy, which when you start off a tad over weight, this is ok. The baby is healthy and looking good, so there is no need to worry. I eat a lot, but I just don't gain weight. I'm pretty ok with that! :) 

26 week baby bump...

Me and Kabooki and the bump

Kadyn's newest Ketocal delivery in the back ground.

After Kadyn's seizure Sunday night

Letting you child play in water

May end like this...

Mothers day gifts from my lil man that he made at school!