Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kadyn did a great job today!

Therapy today went amazing, guess who lifted his head adn held it up! yea thats right kadyn did. He was on his hands nad knees and he lifted his head up and looked straight at me!!! He loved it. I wish i had my camera! The one time i dont bring my camera! Im just soooo happy for him! I love it! He did a lot better at his feeding therapy. He drank a lot better, and even played with things in his mouth a lot more. He is now sitting on the living room floor screaming while i eat in the kitchen and type this. Okay so heisnt sitting he is laying, but i think everyone would understand that LOL! Anyways

He is learning so much more everyday! Its amazes me! I love it. IM so excited. His therapist said that he WILL walk one day, she said it may be awhile but he is the type of kid once he learns he wants to do it.


Kristen said...

What a great day!! I was picturing Kadyn on his hands and knees holding his head up as you described...what a big smile it brought to my face!! Next time you got to take a picture!! I am so excited to see it!

His therapist sounds like a wonderful person. It's so great she is so positive and energetic about his development. Kadyn will do even better because of that optimism. I have no doubt he will walk someday. He's so strong. I think he's set a record of hospital stays in his short life and look at well he keeps pushing on!! Way to go Kadyn!!