Monday, November 10, 2008

2:30am post

Well, today Kadyn will be coming home. Final diagnoises. Ear Infection, High fever, Febrile Seizures. His Seizure was caused by his very high fever, therefore, there is going to be no medicaine change. There is an addition. Amoxaccillan (spelling?). The pink bubblegummy stuff. Thats what his Neurosurgan RN said. Haha. I love doctors who speak in my terms. Kadyn is sound asleep now. His cheeks are bright red, and his nose is crusted, but he is still cute as ever. They will be sending him home on the antibiotic and he will need it twice a day for 10 tens. This is his first ear infection. Hopefully his only but he is a kid so ha. Well, I am going to try and get some shut eye now. I am going to upload pictures and post a few from our hospital stay. Sometimes i really wish that hospital stays where only over night. Well I had the option to bring him home but I wanted one more day here to make sure he wasn't going to have anymore fevers.

Well I am going to go now.

Goodnight :)


Anonymous said...

I just recently saw your video on you tube and was drawn to kadyns story. I'm so glad to see him doing well he's a very happy little boy and he has wonderful parents. God never puts you through anything that your not strong enough to handle. Take care and God bless!
