Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tomorrow is a good day

Tomorrow Kadyn gets his stitches out. This is not going to be fun. Why, because Kadyn does not like being messed with. I hope he will nap during it all. I have to be there around 9am. The good thing is I can pick up Kadyn's food while I am there. He has 5 different sets of stitches on his head and one on his belly. They all actually bruised for a day too, which I have never seen before. I just think his Neurosurgeon made his stitches to tight but when he does that he doesn't seem to get infections.

Yesterday Kadyn and our dog Korona went for a walk to our favorite ice cream shop. Although I didn't bring my camera I did get one picture on my phone of it. I was sitting down eating my ice cream, giving Kadyn a very little bit. (Don't tell his dietitian, he is not suppose to have ice cream with his diet, but a little won't hurt him). This little boy was talking to his dad about my dog, and her blue eyes. His dad was telling the little boy that she had pretty blue eyes and the boy insisted that they were monster eyes and that she was a monster, well this got Kadyn giggling and all sorts of excited!

I may go again today but it will not be warm enough for shorts again. It's pretty chilly outside and wet. So we will see.