Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kadyn likes to kick just about everything or even hit his head off of things. Soon Kadyn will be getting a new bed, a hospital one and also a new wheel chair, since his never did work out. So I decided to try and modify his bed a little bit for now.

All I did was cut a wacky noodle, you know the ones you have in your swimming pools, and put it on the railing. That way when Kadyn kicks the railing he isn't hurting his ankles and the crib isn't really taking all the force. He kicks hard, and the harder he kicks the louder he laughs. The next thing I about going to do is go to Joannes and make a pillow like to put on the back so when he hits his head he isn't hurting himself. So perhaps using my crafting skills to keep my son from hurting himself is going to work out!
Today Kadyn see's the ENT. We will determine if Kadyn will still need tubes or not. I have this guy feeling that he will, just from the way he has been acting lately. If its determined that his ears are fine we may sneak over to Neurosurgery to get a couple tests done. We are also going to go see our good friends Rebecca and her son Noah. Noah also has Hydrocephalus and they are currently admitted into the hospital, so we are going to drop by and say Hello. :D
Just thought I'd share a picture of my favorite crossed eyed dog. I swear she is a pretty dog, this picture does he no justice with her crossed eye lol! She loves Kadyn though, she makes she when she sees him she gives him a good lick! We were at the park here, Kadyn was having a bad day but I decided to go ahead and go to the park to get him some fresh air, since we are suppose to be rained on all week long.


Kristen said...

Great idea with the pool noodle!

Sue Z said...

You are very creative!
When Kadyn starts school, ask the OT to evaluate him for Sensory Integration Dysfunction. It's quite likely that he kicks and bangs everything in order to regulate his sensory system and the therapist can give you some ideas for proprioceptive or deep pressure activities to help him out with that.

Sara said...

Sue, I am going to do that, because he does a few other things that I think are sensory issues. :D I should hear from Project Find by next Wednesday! :D