Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ugh :-(

My poor Kadyn had a seizer today and it took over his whole body. i hate those ones. He has only had them a couple times, but this one only lasted about 30 seconds, but i swear those 30 seconds seemed like minutes. I hadnt given him his meds yet this morning because it wasnt 9am yet, but i gave it to him right after the seizer and he has been fine since. I just wish my poor baby didnt have them. He has gone through soo much, but what can you do. That kind of comes with the condition. I noticed almost all babies who are born with hydro look alike when they are newborns. They all have the same face basially. Which is why when us moms look at other hydro babies we think of our own, because the looked JUST alike when they were born. Of course they dont when they get older.
What really has been bugging me lately, is you see all these children with all these other dieases on the News or they have specails about them, but there is really nothing out there supports hydro babies. I mean, with that being one of the most common birth defects you'd think that maybe the Discovery Health Channel may have a specail on it, or the News would run a story about it, but you hear nothing. Here in Michigan we do have a foundation called STARS.
Basically its a foundation that is donating towards shunt research. For anyone who lives close to michigan they have walk a thons here, and the baseball game tickets for sale, and also any golfers they do golf event to help raise money. There is also bracelettes u can buy and stuff that will help donate towards a GREAT cause. These people are set up in Childrens Hospital of Michigan, in Detroit. Thats where Kadyn goes. It is a wonderful hospital, and the nurses and staff are great. When i first went there when i was preg, i was getting a fetal MRI. I didnt know where anything was, and i asked a guy who was just an admitting guy and he walked me all the way down to the MRI place, and was so nice. Ive never stayed at the Ronald Mcdonald house there, but i have volenteered my time there. It was wonderful meeting all ther families that were staying there at the time. Of course when i volenteered i was...16. But we brought food for the familes. There was also sick kids staying there, and it was great to meet them. They have such huge hearts for being in such a crappy situation. This is Kadyns neurosurgan. I friggin love this guy. He has saved Kadyns life so many times! He truely is an amazing dr.
Well im off to eat something and whatever who knows :-)


Kristen said...

It's taken me a bit to catch up on all my blog reading. I'm glad to hear Kadyn's shunt seems to be working. So sorry to hear about the seizures. That must be so tough. What a blessing that the medicine takes them away. Kadyn's getting so big...and now another growth spurt. My how cute he is!!