Wednesday, August 20, 2008

About my new Donation LInk

As i thought that Harvey and i could get everything on our own the plan truth is we cant. Between our hospital bills, and the medical things that kadyns insurance doesnt cover, We are completely broke. Kadyn needs the sleepytime Headrest thing, and well Harvey and I just can not afford it. Our family is supportive but that plain sad truth is they cant always help. Anyways. I promise every dime donated will go to Kadyn. Whether is be for his medical needs, down to bottles or diapers. It will all be used for HIM and HIM only. I will show reciepts to anyone who asks, take pictures or whatever. But the plain truth is sometimes when you have a specail needs child money becomes less available, as it has with us. Im not going into any sort of money issues personally, for i am ashamed. But i love my son and even is putting out to the world that im broke and need help i will.

My last comment asked me if i had a paypal account adn it dawned on me, what safe way to ask people to donate even if its a penny.

Kadyn needs Fall clothes, that i can not afford, he needs his sleepy time headrest for neck support for therapy, he needs new bottles for we have transitioned him onto a new bottle and then sippy cup. So there is going to be alot of funds going out. He needs a therapy ball for his therapy at home. Insurance doesnt cover these things. You can ask any nurse, Insurance does NOT cover anything that isnt a wheel chair or a chair or some sort or something that a child will need to become mobile or to eat in. Im also going to have to get him better toys for therapy at home. Im just so over whelmed with all this new stuff going on that i just cant keep up. I need to get him a new nipple every week for we transition him into new nipples all the time. The plain truth is....affording a special needs child is harder than i thought, but honestly worth it all.I love my child. With all my heart and soul, id do anything for him, and this is what i have to do. Im not begging but im asking nicely. Thank you very much for the love and support.

Well its tiem for me to try Kadyns therapy out now. Have a wonderful day


Kristen said...

Have you tried the children special health care services through Michigan medicaid that you said you have for Kadyn? Medicaid is suppose to cover all these extra things that insurance won't. You could probably talk to the social worker...even your therapist can help get them to pay for the headrest, etc.