Thursday, February 5, 2009

An this is what we won today at the hospital

An all expense paid trip to be consulted by surgery. Why? Kadyn is a very hard poke. He gets poke 5-10 times to find a line while he is seizing. So the idea is to put a port in him. Basically its a permeant iv in him so when he is seizing they can give him the medication he needs, done. 

We also won a consultation from Dietary. We are going to start Kadyn on the Ketogenic diet. We are doing the blood work today, and within 2 to 3 weeks we will know.  Then we will be admitted to start the diet. 

Well hopefully this will all work out. The port I love the idea, no more pokes YAY! 


Kadyn being here longer... Boooooo


Diane said...

I am sorry to hear Kadyn is in the hospital again. As to the surgery, I had a friend that her little girl was seizing constantly (8-10 seizures in an hour). About a year and half ago, they did this same type of seizure and she has been seizure free since then. She has also been developing where she hasn't before. She wasn't able to walk and now she can; she talks in complete sentences where before she only say about 4-5 words (ma,da,baba). So it was a huge success in her case. I am sure it sounds scary, I couldn't even imagine.
I know that you will do what is best for Kadyn. I hope he starts to feel better and the whole port idea sounds great.

Diane, Tyler's mom

Anonymous said...

Sure hope you are able to find some answers and Kadyn begins to feel better soon. I know how much you hate when he's in the hospital. I'll definitely be thinking of you both and sending you many, many positive vibes. ::Hugs::

Anonymous said...

Sending a whole lot of well wishes, prayers, and positive vibes your way. (especially prayers). Please keep us updated. Kadyn is so completely dear to my heart.

Anonymous said...

I saw your video on youtube. It was so compelling I wanted to read your blog. My son Christopher attends a preschool where the children have a 50/50 ratio of “typically developing” and “special needs” children. My son is a typically developing child but I can say that I’ve spent a lot of time at his school and agree that differences are wonderful. Three of my most favorite children (other then my son of course!) have special needs and I can say I know these children have a light inside them that just shines through and makes me smile and laugh. I don’t feel sorry for them at all and I look forward to seeing them every day. They are a beautiful gift to the world and I know the world is a better place because of them. I watched your son’s movie (youtube and your blog) and even without meeting him I can see his light shine through. He really is beautiful. His little chubby cheeks are so cute! You are so strong to face the relentless battles with doctors, insurance companies, setbacks, and endless cycles of treatments and surgeries. I have thyroid cancer and know the wear and tear of ongoing treatment that is caused to one’s body and psyche… and how much worse it would be if it were my child and not me going through it all I can only imagine. I am glad your son is here to brighten the world and that you are such loving and vigilant parents. I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for taking the time to share your story. Kadyn’s spirit is truly inspirational!