Sunday, July 25, 2010

2 more weeks

I will be walking for a cure for my son and many others affected by Hydrocephalus.

Facts about Hydrocephalus:

*Hydrocephlaus affects over 1 million Americans, in every stage of life, from infants to the elderly

*Almost 5,000 babies are born with hydrocephlaus per year, making it as common as Down's Syndrome and more common than spina bifid or brain tumors

*Hydrocephalus is the most common reason for brain surgery in children

* There is no cure, no therapy to treat hydrocephalus, they must have brain surgery to insert a shunt

* There is a hydrocephalus related surgery every 15 minutes.

My son has undergone 17 brain surgeries just to live. He also developed a life threatening seizure disorder. So not only does he has a life threatening brain condition but also the seizures! He has proved doctors wrong just by breathing. I know times are tough and it is very hard to donate, but even a dollar would go along way in this case! 100% of all donations go towards research of this conditon!

On August 7th I will be walking to stomp this condition out. Kadyn will be riding in his stroller, he will be there as proof that Miracles really do happen. We formed a team for this walk called Kadyn's Miracle Mile, I hope that you will donate to this wonderful cause, as 100% of donations go towards research.

I want everyone to know that I walk for every person who is affected by this condition. I also walk to spread awarness of a very common condition that most don't know about. I often ask myself, why did I not know of a condition so common? I want to put an end to that!

You can donate online here. My goal is only to reach $600 by the time the walk is here in 2 weeks! Please help me reach that goal!

Thank you...and Kadyn thanks you!