Saturday, June 7, 2008

poor Kadyn

Well, Kadyns still sick, but he only coughs when he gets upsets and crys, so im wondering if its a slight case of asthma or allergies. I am going to call Monday to set up all his apppointments and see if i can get in this month to get him tested for asthma or at least get thier opinion. He is still eating very well and everything. He has said his first word that he understands the meaning....of course baba. His favorite. I cant help but love hearing him cry those words, hydro moms understand that lol. When you get told your child wont be able to do something you soak it in everytime they do it.
Like when i was told that Kadyn may never make it outside the womb. When he cryed, i begged the nurse to make him cry again, because to me it was the sweet sound of life, and kadyns begning. I used to have his dad call me from the NICU (which was a no no lol) and when Kadyn cryed put him on the phone. I loved his cry, and i still do, but i dont just let him cry lol. I put his favorite thing in his mouth, baba.

Yesterday i had a surgical procedure done, and i had to get a babysitter, and its usually harveys younger brother Josh who is 17. Well Kadyn never has siezers anymore, and apparently while i was gone he had one, so i asked what kadyn was doing during this seizer and Josh said his wrist was flickering and his eyes were jittering. Both normal for kadyn and NOT a siezer. So i told him exactly what to look for because i wasnt going to be home for awhile nad i was going to be sedated. Idk, it was all a mess, and the thing is, people who watch Kadyn are just so friggin worried to look for something wrong that if kadyn blinks twice in a row they call me. I have a paper onthe fridge with all the signs and stuff to look for between infection, failure, and seizers. I make sure i point that out to whoever babysits him. I definetly dont let anyone outside the family watch him. Well by the time i woke up and came around because being sedated, well i kinda liked it LOL i had 10 new text emssages adn like 4 new vociemails. ALL my baby sitter. So now i know Josh cant handle Kadyn, and im not leaving him with kadyn anymore. Its sad because Josh is very good with kadyn, but at the same time, if you know im going to be knocked out why would you call my phone?? I gave him emergancy numbers, and told him to call his grandma if anything feels, seems, or you think is wrong.

So yesterday was a fun day. Im just glad im not in any pain from my procedure and i can take care of Kadyn, seeing as my parents are gone and so is Harvey, i have no help haha. Anyways.

I hope ya'll take care, and have a nice weekend, im not sure if i will feel up to updateing this right now, A lot has been going on and it hard for me to get to my computer now.
