Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ahhh its 3am

I was just going through a bunch of newborn pictures of Kadyn and i started to cry a little. I really miss when Kadyn was tiny. When he could just craddle in one of my arms and sleep. I miss how he would love to fall asleep on my chest listening to my heart beat. Now I'm lucky if he will let me hold him. He is so independent now. It's like he is growing so fast and I can't keep up. I'm chasing him out from under the couch, down the halls so he doesn't roll into the walls or doors. Kadyn already has a bruise on his head from hitting a wall. I got the 360 about that when i took him to his peditricain appointment. They didn't believe me when i told them that he rolls and scoots everywhere. I had to put him on the floor, of course i layed a blanket down and off he went rolling. They were so amazed and finally, i wasn't asked anymore questions. I mean i understand they have to do my job, but I've been going there for a year now, serisously they know me.
Well, i wanted to share some pictures that i found of Kadyn that i got off my cousins website. She is acually Harveys cousins wife, but i call her my cousin also. We are family!

This is from Matthews baptism, Kadyn was 4 months old. Harvey (Kadyns daddy) me holding Kadyn, Brian (Harveys cousin) holding Matthew (Harveys Godson) and Aimee (Brians Wife and Matthews mommy)
This is Matthew Kissing Kadyn. Matthew loves Kadyn a lot. He always kisses him and trys to get him to play with him. Soo sweet!!!This was a couple days after Kadyn got home, He turns a month. Look how tiny. He has a NG tube for feeding in his nose.

This was Thanksgiving. Aimee and Matthew, Me and Kadyn, and Tabby and Ryan Jr. (RIP Ryan, Ryan Jr's daddy passed away last year)
This is all of Harveys side of the family. From Botton left, Harveys grandma, Brian, Aimee and matthew, Ya'll know who is in the middle there, Jonathon (harveys brother) Then Harvey holding up out first daughter, a beagle named Kielo, Papa, Joshua (harveys brother) Bill (uncle) Sharon, Karen (Harveys Aunt) Tabby and Ryan Jr.

Isn't he just the sweetest lil guy? Gosh I love him!

Ok going to bed i hope!



Anonymous said...

Hi! I saw your video on youtube, so I came here to see how things are going. Kadyn looks very happy and sweet, and he looks sooooo much better than he did when he was brand-new! He's really a beautiful boy! You're obviously doing a wonderful job as a mother, and it's clear that you love him with all your heart. He's lucky to have you! Good luck to all of you!