Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stomach Virus

Ohhh yes that time of year. Kadyn's recent hospital stay has caused him to get the stomach virus. YUCK. So his diapers arent very nice and he is throwing up everywhere. I was worried at first, and took him in and they just tapped his shunt, works perfectly. They didnt feel the need to do the shunt survey because they just did it but they tapped it to make sure that the fluid was clear and everything was flowing. Which thankfully it all is. He is fine, so the diagnoises is stomach flu, and the treatment, lots of pedilyte and lots of butt changing, and for him to just fight it on his own. They said if his tempature spikes of 102 then bring him back, or if he stops eating and drinking. Which he is not stopped eating or drinking, and his temp has been low grade fever..99.5 at the most. On top of all this the poor little dude is teething. So im just going to watch and wait, the change of season means shunt infections can happen, they taught me that when it gets cold and then warm then cold then warm, bacteria thrive in this weather, which means shunt infections happen alot. So since Kadyn has had a couple shunt infections and a skin infection i have to watch him closely. I wish there was like a test i could give kadyn to determine if his shunt was working or not. Like a pregnancy test but he it would be for his shunt. Ugh be so much easier. Then worring and waiting for a sign when they are sick. IM telling you. Oh well,
Its almost 2am and i should be sleeping but i cant. I havent been able to for the longest time. IM scared kadyn is going to wake up and have a siezer while im sleeping. :-( I think im going to move into his room also. I think im going to have my mom bring the twin bed back up into kadyns room or im going to move kadyn in here for the over night sleeps. Im not sure yet, but until i talk to his doctor about a pulseox moniter or apnea moniter then i would be more comfortable with him being in his own room. Those monitors are friggin loud, they would wake the whole house up LOL. Which i could careless when it comes to his health. We will see, i will ask his peditricain and then his Neurologist.

Well anyways

Kadyn has been doing good even though he is sick. I dont think im going to take him to therapy since he is throwing up, and has yucky diaper every hour. poor baby.

But im going to try and sleep...whatever that is!!


Kristen said...

So sorry to hear Kadyn is sick. We've all been sick around here too. Not exactly with a stomach virus but bad head colds.

I think one of those monitors sound like a cool idea to have at home. That way you can get some sleep. It's hard to sleep restfully when you're so worried you won't wake up if something happens.

I didn't know that shunt infections can happen with the weather changes. That's scarey.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara,

I don't want to rag on you at all, I think you are a wondeful strong woman and I think over and over that Kadyn could not be blessed with a better mommy!

But..it's seizure, not seizer :) Looks like, unfortunatly they're a part of your life, so I just wanted to help. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sara,

I hope Kadyn is OK. I guess I am worried since you haven't posted to your blog since Sept 30....


Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

I hope Kadyn is OK. I guess I am worried since you haven't posted to your blog since Sept 30....
