Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Kadyn hasn't spit up today, so I think I am going to blame is on him being a boy and eating way too much and then playing hard. It could be because he liked too keep rolling and rolling and maybe that upset his belly, either way he seems like he is feeling better today. He woke up at around 6am, I gave him a bottle and laid back down for a minute. He fell back asleep after that bottle and slept until about 1am. (He didn't go to bed until around 1am or 2am) He woke up at 12pm and I gave him his medication. He got it late, but only like an hour. I didn't want to wake him up and an hour won't hurt him at all. He took his medication like a champ. Then he has been playing all day up until around 5pm. He fell asleep for a nap and he is still napping. So I am going to wake him up here soon. I am going to give him his meds. Kadyn took some bites today. He had bananas. Purees. He does much better when he is laying down. So he took some bites and I gave him a break and praised him and gave him chocolate milk. So I am hoping he will start eating more.

Kadyn hung out with his daddy. I sat him up on Harvey and he did it quite well. The big brown spot on his arm is from chocolate. Yes I scrub a lot of that out. He loves his chocolate Pedisure. I delute it though with whole milk because it's too strong and will cause his bum to go raw.

Kadyn is feeling better I believe though. I guess I am waiting for the big sign that something is wrong. Siezure. They won't believe me unless he is vomiting a lot, temp, or cranky. The fact is, Kadyn hasn't been cranky before any of his shunt failures. It could be nothing, I guess I am just preparing myself. I think once Christmas passes I will be a little more at ease.I guess I want him to be home for Christmas so bad that I am just paying too close attention and anything he does I worry about. I love him.

Well I am going to get Kadyns medication together and throw some pedisure in the fridge. He has so much of it!!! Anyways.

I hope everyone's children is doing good!!!


One Mommy said...

I have to tell you that he is a beautiful baby! I came across your video on youtube and followed it to this blog. I am truly amazed at how well he appears to be doing! God bless you and your family!

tootsinboots said...

followed the video's link. Im happy to see him playing and all. HE is sooo cute. Godbless! Happy Holidays! ^-^

LiLamanzanilla said...

I am a mommy of two from france comming from you tube (with my very bad english) to give a big hug to such amazing and so cute little baby boy. God bless you all.