Friday, May 22, 2009

Kadyn's day

Well we woke up at 11. Yes Kadyn slept until 11 am. He decided to stay up until 4 am.We got ready to go see the eye doctor. We waited what seemed like to be forever to get in. It's funny because on the wall there is a sign that says. Our physicians try to see everyone at their scheduled time but please be aware that there is a minimum 3 hour wait to be seen sometimes. I was like wow. So we saw the doctor about a half an hour after we got there. First it was his RN and she tried everything to get Kadyn to hold still but I don't think he liked her. So after Kadyn scratched me up and cried for 10 minutes she just dilated his eyes and sent us back out to wait. So back out to the waiting room while I watched Kadyn's eyes get bigger and bigger. Then 1/2 hour later they called us back. His doctor said this. He is not a blind child, nor does he need glasses. His vision is developmental and behavioral.  Basically behavioral he means Kadyn only look at things he wants to look at. He doesn't care about staring at things, he sees it and it's whatever to him. So basically we don't have to see the eye doctors for 2 years. He said if things still look the same after that, he will just see Kadyn if it's needed. 

All in all today was a good day. Now Kadyn is asleep and I am thinking about heading to bed myself!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like your li'l guy is quite tyhe smarty~pants! I remember a few posts back about you being told or worrying that he had markers of autism... well... he seems to be quite the free thinker and considering that he hasn't had a 'normal' infancy to grow into after all his physical challenges I think he's doing just beautifully - your little man is really the BRIGHTEST and handsomest star and thank you so much for letting us enjoy him like you do :-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. He looks SO much like you! He's lucky daddy has a moto - - I wonder if he likes trucks too?? You are so blessed to have such a strong baby.