Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's been awhile

I am not keeping up with this like i should be. It's just hard to think about anything to blog about. Thankfully today Kadyn had an appointment with his dietician. He hasn't gained anymore weight in 3 months. She is not worried about it as I have been working with Kadyn on solid foods more, and she thinks his weight will increase. She said as long as there is no weighloss then she isn't going to tweak anything. He eats a lot, but he just doesn't gain the weight. Oh well. He is doing great though! We are trying to get Kadyn back into therapies and a new pediatrician. One that just deals with children who have special needs.
I dyed my hair. It was suppose to be brown but it turned out black. Not happy about it, but I am hoping it will fade.
Kadyn and Archie. Archie is very protective of Kadyn. I can't even pat Kadyn's back without Archie coming over to move my hand. He is so sweet. Kadyn loves him too, he can pulls his ears, fur, mouth anything and Archie won't do a thing! What a great dog. He is my sisters dog.

We all know Kadyn loves his baths. HE is soo sweet!


Kristen said...

It is so cute and makes me smile over how much he loves his baths.

Nicole said...

de-Lurking to say i really like your hair!! I think it looks really good with your eyes! Kadyn is a doll! Hope he has a better night tonight!